"Shocking new research is pointing to microwave popcorn as a potential cause of Alzheimer's disease."

Seems crazy I know, but here's the proof…

Recently a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota set out to determine if a chemical used to give microwave popcorn it's buttery flavor

Could be toxic to your brain.(1)

During the study researchers were SHOCKED to discover that not only does this chemical flavoring easily make its way to the blood supply in your brain...

But it can also cause the creation of beta amyloid proteins the tell-tale marker of Alzheimer's disease,

Now you might be thinking "I don't eat a lot of popcorn so I'm ok"...

But here's the truth...

It isn't just popcorn that's causing this.

In fact, a recent 6 year long study involving 2,560 participants discovered additional foods EVEN MORE devastating to your brain.(2)

And Dr. Sam Walters - a former NASA food scientist, brain health and longevity specialist has taken this new research one step further….

Putting together a list of 5 foods that can trigger Alzheimer's.

In this fast-paced presentation he'll reveal his latest findings…

Discover the real reason elephants never forget.

And how a secret society of Tibetan monks with steel-trap memories are living to be a healthy 100 years of age and beyond…

And who rarely fall victim to sickness and disease.

Plus, you'll hear as Dr. Walters describes in detail these 5 foods that are wiping your memory clean.

So, make sure you watch this presentation to the very end as he reveals each sinister food, including the brain damaging chemical found in microwave popcorn.

He'll explain how each of these seemingly innocent and common foods is putting you at risk for Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

He'll also tell you exactly what you can do RIGHT NOW to protect yourself and those you love from the damaging effect of these forbidden foods…

No matter how long you've been eating them or how much of them you have consumed.

Watch this short video and learn Dr. Sam Walters' solution to fighting back against Alzheimer's and dementia.

1. https://drugdesign.umn.edu/research/alzheimers-disease-research
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15136684

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