From the start, we’ve been taught that it’s healthy to be as clean as humanly possible...

And with the ongoing global pandemic, it’s safe to say that the world has gone a little “sanitizer crazy...”

While it is important to be sanitary, nature's intention was NOT for us to be squeaky clean, at least not 100% of the time...

Up until a few generations ago, people primarily grew their own food...

Dug it right out of the soil... Or picked it from trees...

Then they cooked or ate it without even washing it.

This meant they were exposed to a huge diversity of microorganisms from our soil...

The same beneficial bacteria that make up a mission-critical part of our gut microbiome.

These days, our food is grown in nutrient-depleted soil, then washed multiple times...before even getting to the grocery store!

And what do we do when we get home?

We wash our food again.

Because of this, we are no longer exposed to the beneficial “good guy” bacteria that were plentiful to our Paleo ancestors.

Fortunately, one of America's top gut doctors created a simple way to get the very same important natural flora found in traditional and Paleolithic diets...

You MUST see her discovery.

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